Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Notable African American

Josephine Baker
Date of Birth: 
June 3,1906
Date of Death: 

April 12, 1975

Occupation:Activist, dancer, singer, actor, stripper, spy

Why is this person significant?
 Helped fight racial discrimination. She was also the first African American women to be buried with military honors.
What were the time frames of their significance?
1920- 1975

What was happening in the world at this time?

Politically- Civil Rights Movement, Women's suffrage ratified, First Assassination Attempt on Mussolini, Gandhi's Salt March

Socially- Prohibition

In entertainment- Jazz became a popular form of music, Babe Ruth was a popular athlete, Harlem Renaissance Begins, Time Magazine Founded, Beatles Break Up

the world- World War 2, Bubonic Plague in India, Spanish Civil War Begins

How did this person die?
Cerebral Hemorrhage (stroke)

How does this person's legacy live on or how has it made life better (why are they important)
immensely popular Paris icon,The French remember her as a talented entertainer and a patriot, and here in the United States she will be remembered as a fighter for the Civil Rights of her own African American people.

What do you think would have happened if this person never existed (what is their legacy)
nothing What does their achievement mean historically?
It opened a gate way for African American women

What types of things did this person create?