Saturday, February 23, 2013

Black History Month Articles

Article 1:
What is the focus of the article?
 Honoring and exploring the culture and history of African Americans

Is the article pro black history month or against it? Why?
Pro, it talks about looking back and remembering the lessons of black history

When was the article written?
February 12, 2013


Article 2:
What is the focus of the article?
Talking about how Black history should be talked about just as much as American history.

Is the article pro black history month or against it? Why?
Against. It says that Black history is part of American history.

When was the article written?
February 19, 2011


Article 3:
What is the focus of the article?Talking about the controversy about Black History month

Is the article pro black history month or against it? Why?
Neither, it's discussing both the good pros and the cons about Black History month.

When was the article written?
March 30,2012


For or against:

Reason 1:
Black History is part of American History.

Why is this reason important:
Because slaves/blacks have been here since colonial times

Reason 2:
If you don't make it part of the curriculum it wont be taught.\

Why is this reason important?
Some people may not want to teach kids about the past. Some people might not teach it properly

Reason 3:
It's a tradition

Why is this reason important:
Black History month has been a tradition since 1926

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Leadership Video

The Lion King

This film was made in 1994
The directors of this film are Roger Allers and Rob Minkoff
The producer of this film is Don Hahn
The Stars of this film are Jonathan Roberts, Irene Mecchi, Linda Woolverton and many more.
Summary of the clip: This video is about Simba returning to his kingdom after finding out that Scar had taken over, put the hyenas in charge and nearly starved the whole pride. He returns home to claim his kingdom back from Scar. Scar refuses and and starts telling the pride how it was Simba's fault that Mufasa died. Simba admits that it was his fault. Scar then starts to claim that he is a murder and starts to advance on him. Simba begins to back away and tries to prove his innocence. He then slips and almost falls off a cliff. While Simba is hanging to cliff for his life, Scar says that this looks familiar and then he whispers in Simba's ear that he killed Mufasa. Simba remembering that terrible memory finds the strength to push himself up and lands on top of Scar. Simba tells Scar to admit that he killed Mufasa, Scar begins to act like he doesn't know what Simba is talking about until he starts to choke him. Scar then admits to the pride that he killed Mufasa. After Scar admits this the hyenas and the lions start to fight. The lions being to win and the hyenas begin to retreat form the battle. Simba finds Scar and begins to chase after him. Scar gets trapped by the edge of a cliff and begins to beg for his life, he uses the we're family and it's the hyenas fault excuse. Simba banishes Scar from the pride and tells him to never return. As Scar begins to leave, he turns around and attacks Simba. Simba and Scar begin to fight and Scar knocks Simba down. Scar then tries to pounce on Simba, Simba sees him and thrusts his hind feet upward and Scar goes tumbling down the cliff. When Scar looks up he sees all the mad hyenas looking angrily at him, he is then killed by the hyenas. It begins to rain and Simba goes to the Pride Rock ledge and roars, claiming his rightful place as the king of the pride lands.
Focus:The relationship of family in the hierarchy of a pride of lions
Theme: Leaders fight for what's theirs.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Picture Assingment

1.) I see Jayden drinking some mango flavored water out of his sippy cup designed with monkeys and bananas. I can hear the TV playing commercials in the background. I can smell all the food my Aunt was cooking for the Super Bowl. I can see the kitchen full of appliances, food, and dishware.
2.) Before this picture was taken Jayden was running around playing and watching TV. My Aunt was setting up the tables with the food.
3.) After this picture was taken Jayden went and sat down to watch TV. My Aunt went outside to check on the food on the grill. Guests were starting to arrive and it was almost time for the big game.
4.) As the photo was being taken my Aunt was talking to and texting her friends about if they were coming to her house to eat, watch the game, and hang out.
5.) Truth about this picture: Everything was crazy. People were running around trying to get everything set up and Jayden was irritated to so he started crying and wouldn't stop. So I gave him something to drink to get him to stop crying.
6.) My Aunt was probably thinking about how many people were gonna show up. Jayden was probably thinking about what was coming on TV next or what he was going to eat or drink next.
7.) I was thinking that Jayden's shirt was perfect for the Super Bowl so I just had to get a picture. And the only way to get him to be still is to get him while he eating or drinking something.
8.) I would probably think about how innocent he looked and how sweet he acted. I would want someone to see how he was when he was little and how he was always eating or drinking something.

Friday, February 1, 2013


Dear Mr. Harris,

Hello, my name is Janeka Williams. I am 16 years old and I want to be a vet when I grow up. I love animals and I love going to school. My favorite thing to do when I'm bored isto read. My favorite book series is the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. I like these books because they talk about cats that live in clans and work together to survive. I am here at Mary E.Phillips because when I first started High school I had a baby and it was hard to keep up with the work. I barely passed the 9th grade and I didnt want to struggle again and maybe flunk. I want to finish high school so I can better myself and make a better future for my son.

Types of writting I do every day are writting notes down, updating my facebook and twitter statuses, writting school work down, and writting down names and directions. I mainly write down notes and solve algebraic expressions and functions for my algebra 2 teacher. I write down the answers to the questions that I have to answer about civics for my civis and economics teacher.I write drafts for my work in my english class. When I surf the web I like to write down things I like or things I feel is important to me.

A time that I loved to write was in 7th  grade with my language arts teacher, Mrs.Edwards. She made writting fun and exciting. I still write sometimes, but not as much as I use to. It's not as amusing as when I was 7th grade. I think it kind of grew off of me and became boring. I think it's boring because I can never find something interesting to write about unless I have to reall think long and hard about it. If I do find something to write about I get lazy and procrastinate.

If I have something to write about, I prefer to be in a quite place like an empty room. I like this because I can concentrate and get the work done verses being in a loud noisy room and getting distracted. When I start to write I think about  things that would make a good story. I usually brainstorm ideas on a piece of paper, then I either write a draft or I start typing it on a computer. If I dont write a draft I just write the first things that come to my mind when I think about the title. If I write something I usually don't like for people to read it unless it's a teacher. I am very self consicious about what I write.

I am a dancer in the Helping Hand Mission marching band. I love reading books about animals or mythology. I like sitting in the house watching tv or playing with my son, Jayden. If im not doing these things im either sleep or eating.  I like to go to the library.