Wednesday, January 23, 2013

In what ways do you agree? Why?
I agree that I visual learner. I like diagrams or pictures to go with directions. When I read I like to picture the scenes and problems the characters go through. When I go places and have nothing to do I like to stare at things or read materials that are in the area.I'm always forgetting peoples names, but I remember their faces.

In What ways do you disagree? Why?
I disagree because sometimes I can listen and remember things without writing them down. Other times I like to move when I say or describe something to someone. Sometimes when I'm bored and I don"t feel like reading I like to move around or shake my feet. If I think that something isn't right I will spell it out loud. I also like to do hands on activities to learn how to do something.

Is there anything you didn't understand about this survey?
No. I understood the survey very well.

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